5 Signs That Show Your Spouse Is Serious About Ending Unfaithfulness

Any healing is contingent on the unfaithful spouse being “done” with the affair or acting out. How can you tell if your spouse is sincere in wanting to end the unfaithfulness?
Here are five signs that show your spouse is serious about ending unfaithfulness:
1) There is honesty and insight at a deep level about the unfaithfulness: why, when, how, where, and what.
2)There is obvious brokenness emotionally and spiritually about the sin committed before the Lord and the pain that you are experiencing.
3)There is acceptance of your feelings and boundaries. You are given space to be real and honest about your pain and your process as you work through all the emotions.
4)There is a willingness to make whatever changes you need with a good attitude.
5)There is a willingness to get help and be accountable and it is followed by action.
Healing is contingent on sincere repentance. These five signs show that your spouse is serious about ending unfaithfulness. If you see all of them and want to try to stay in the marriage, know that God can heal brokenness in any marriage when two people are committed to working through the pain in healthy ways.