Break Up Stories – Clara and Sebastian

I’m 25 and my boyfriend, Sebastian, is 28. It’s been almost 5 months since the beginning…He never told me that he didn’t want to have a real relationships.
After a trip we took together, he started to feel distant in the beginning, but then the situation became worse. After I asked him if he has any feelings for me, he said that he definitely has some feelings, but he can’t say that he loves me the same way I love him. At all my “what happened” questions, his answer was “nothing”. I really wanted our relationship be as special as the beginning, but the situation became worse and worse.
On April 11th we had sex and then afterwards I asked him where our relationship is going, and he told me that he doesn’t want to commit. All he wanted was “friends with benefits”. I was in panic and felt terrible. He suggested for me to break up with him, but I told him that I need to think everything over. So we talked about things over and over, but our conversation went in the same direction; that now he was the one who needs to think. When he was leaving I asked him how long I should wait for his respond. “Three days” he told me.
All following days were filled with panic and fear…he took…nine days.
We went to the movies, he was distant, then I called him but he was even colder. Then I got sick and decided that if he wants to be with me, he needs to show his interest. He called me the next day, called me “honey and sweetie”, and got me more confused. The next day my friends insisted for me to call and he treated me like I don’t even exist. I decided to break up with him but my friends insisted for me to be patient and calm down.
Then he called me and asked if we could talk so we met up. He asked what I think about our relationship and I said that I’m the one who is waiting for the answer. He said that he wants to break up. Bottom line was that I’m a very special person, but he doesn’t want to hurt me and he does not know what happened. The conversation was long, but he asked if I think we still can see each other.
He told me that I stopped him from many bad habits (like drinking) but I ended up running out of his place in tears. I thought that I can see the light at the end of the tunnel, but as soon as I got home I cancelled our relationship on Facebook and changed my profile. I felt that if I disappear from his life now, maybe we can be back in the future. Later on I noticed that he did the same to his Facebook – deleted our pictures and staff. I still don’t understand “what I could’ve possible done.”