TRUE CONFESSION – Read Carefully

When I wrote my first semester examination as an undergraduate in UNILAG, I saw all my results but had a missing script in FSC 104. I was scared because it was not what I bargained for. When I went to meet the lecturer in charge of the course, he chased me out of his office because I came at a time that was not the Visiting Time (Tuesday).
There was only one option – I would have to
rewrite the examination the next year. I was not ready to go through the stress of attending lectures, writing assignments and preparing for an examination, I had already written. Therefore, I took the case up to God in prayer, separating myself in a 3-day fast.
The last day of the fast was a Saturday and I was taking a Meditating walk around DLI (Distance Learning Institute) in University of Lagos when the Spirit of God instructed me to go to the man’s office one more time. I said to myself, “it is either God does not know the regulation in UNILAG or someone is trying
to deceive me”. I had been to the office of this lecturer during the week and he chased me away, what would happen if I go on a Saturday, which was weekend?
The Story You Are About to Read Is A True Life Story
Since I was convinced that it was God speaking, I went to his office and for the
first time in my life, I found him smiling. He looked at me and said, “Young man, I still cannot find your result but write down the result of your other exam and I would give you a grade based on your other performance”.
That was really a miracle and I would have gladly accepted a ‘C’ but when I checked the notice board some weeks later, I found an ‘A’ with 75 marks beside my Matriculation Number. I realized that God is really a God that specializes in impossibilities.
Three years later, I graduated from the same University with a first class.
I prophesy to someone reading this now, where you do not deserve it, the favour of God would locate you in Jesus Name. As you say AMEN and click on the SHARE button God will cause men that do not know you to favour you!