Break Up Stories – Nancy

Nancy is a great, sweet, good looking girl with a successful career. She has spent years working on herself in order to become better in everything…as a person, as a professional, as a daughter, as a sister… She is in her early thirties and decided that now is the time of her life to look her best.
So Nancy has stuck with the healthiest lifestyle and lost 20 pounds. From a good looking girl, she turned into a beautiful, sophisticated lady.
Let me tell you about her private life. For the last two years she has been in on and off relationships with a “Hollywood type” guy who is dark, tall, and handsome as well as selfish, arrogant, and moody. He didn’t want to commit (just to “have fun”) and Nancy left him a while ago.
After I walked her through broken heart healing, she became happy and ready to meet her new love.
Two months ago (after she healed her broken heart and got an exciting new job), Nancy visited one sport event and met a sport celebrity who was totally into her. He told her words she dreamed to hear and made promises that each girl can’t resist.
Her Hollywood Friend “woke up” at the same time. He started to pursue her and insist on a real, exclusive relationship. Nancy went out with him a few times, but she realized that her feelings were gone!
Her new celebrity friend called her every day and sent many text messages every day for a month. Then, he suddenly stopped calling. She waited for a couple weeks and then decided that everything happens for a reason.
Her Hollywood friend stopped by while Nancy was having dinner with her sister. As soon as he turned the TV on, guess what happen? The first thing Nancy saw was her celebrity…and the sister innocently mentioned that they both are his friends.
Hollywood Prince Charming turned into a jealous, selfish monster the same second. To make a long story short, Nancy showed him the door in 30 seconds.
“Why did you do this?,” her sister asked
“It’s better to have a dream Celebrity in the TV then a disrespectful monster in your house,” Nancy answered. She didn’t let negative emotions into her heart. She smiled.
The celebrity called next day. They made plans to meet.
Respect yourself, ladies and your prince will show up. Let’s make your life a fairy tale.